
INS Arihant - India's nuclear submarine inducted

Arihant has completed all tests including deep dive and weapon firing tests past five months in secrecy. Two more such SSBNs with bigger payloads, more advanced features and size are already under construction with two more planned for a total of five. India does not have a submarine rescue vehicle hence Russian Prut class vessel Epron accompanied Arihant for the deep dive tests. Arihant submarine can carry K4 missiles equipped with nuclear weapons, MIRV possibility, with a range of 3500 KM. This manoeuvrable missile having an innovative system of interlacing in three dimensions can also cruise at hypersonic speed. This exceptional feature of the weapon system makes it difficult to be tracked easily and destroyed by any anti-ballistic missile defence systems. The missile has a high accuracy of near-zero circular error probable. India has so far planned three missiles in the K-series. While the 700-km range K-15, renamed as B-05 (launched 10 times) and 3,500-km range K-4 have been developed, the K-5 will have a striking capability of over 5,000 km. All the K-series missiles are faster, lighter and stealthier. India currently operates one nuclear submarine INS Chakra, Akula class SSN leased from Russia.

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